Alyonna Angelica

May 9, 20192 min

Message for STARSEEDS

CHANNELED MESSAGE TO ALL STAR SEEDS- (Blue ray, Indigo, crystal, rainbow children)

❤️Your purpose and odyssey during this Human Experience:

Starseeds are highly evolved beings that will eventually overcome and surpasses negative blockages in order to find and remember themselves from back home- that of their pure soul.

You discover who you are when your soul is ready. This human experience during this time is contradictory to who you truly are- an advanced beings of civilization with exponential knowledge in comparison to collective humanity of this time in space.
You chose to come here to this planet to raise the vibratory frequencies and consciousness as humanity is still operating at low levels of consciousness.
You are here to spread Light of the Truth with your innate wisdom. Doing this raises your soul level as well.
So rise up my dear starseed soul family. Raise your vibrations. Your frequencies are contradictory to your true "selves". You are sometimes seen as a little odd to other Earth Humans. You must overcome obstacles such as rejection of who you truly are and understand why they can’t see the world, see the universe and see all souls the way you do.

You must surpass these judgments in order for you to truly help. This is done through frequently recharging your Solar Plexus chakra, to increase our self-worth, self-acceptance and self-esteem.

You also need to strengthen your Heart Chakra, to Love yourself for who you truly are, and to have the courage to be yourself in a world that reigns on ego and pride of putting one another down.
Your Throat chakra is another of importance- as this energetic point within the Etheric body enables you to communicate your innate truth and wisdom to humanity.

Humanity is not at fault, they are enslaved through a system- mainly government, financial corporations, rigid education and man-ego dominated religion. The 3D Matrix.

Remember dear starseeds, You will discover your true purpose and origins when the time is right. And by the looks of it, your time has come as the universe has guided you towards other starseed souls.

I will post a full detailed explanation of the Ruby, Flower and how their seeds

planted created the indigo, crystal, rainbow and NEW Ruby souls soon.
